Source code for pypolar.visualization

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
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# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string

A set of basic routines for visualizing polarization.

Functions for drawing the polarization ellipse (sectional pattern)::


Functions for drawing 2D and 3D representations::


Functions for drawing an animated 2D and 3D representations::


Functions for drawing a Poincaré representation::

Example: Poincaré sphere plot of a Jones vector::

    J = pypolar.jones.field_linear(np.pi / 6)

Example: Poincaré sphere plot of two Stokes vectors::

    S1 = pypolar.mueller.stokes_left_circular()
    S2 = pypolar.mueller.stokes_linear(np.radians(15))

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    pypolar.visualization.draw_stokes_poincare(S1, ax, label='  S1')
    pypolar.visualization.draw_stokes_poincare(S2, ax, label='  S2')
    pypolar.visualization.join_stokes_poincare(S1, S2, ax, lw=2, ls=':', color='orange')

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib import animation

import pypolar.fresnel
import pypolar.mueller
import pypolar.jones

plt.rcParams["animation.html"] = "jshtml"

__all__ = ('draw_jones_field',

def _draw_optical_axis_3d(J, ax, last=4 * np.pi):
    Draw the optical axis in a 3D plot.

        J:    Jones vector
        ax:   matplotlib axis to use
        last: length of optical axis
    h_amp, v_amp = abs(J)
    the_max = max(h_amp, v_amp) * 1.1

    ax.plot([0, last], [0, 0], [0, 0], 'k')
    ax.plot([0, 0], [-the_max, the_max], [0, 0], 'g')
    ax.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], [-the_max, the_max], 'b')
    ax.text(0, 0, 1, "y", ha="center")
    ax.text(0, 1, 0, "x", va="center")
    ax.text(last * 1.05, 0, 0, "z", va="center")

def _draw_h_field_3d(J, ax, offset, last=4 * np.pi):
    Draw the horizontal electric field in a 3D plot.

        J:      Jones vector
        ax:     matplotlib axis to use
        offset: starting point
        last:   length of optical axis
    t = np.linspace(0, last, 100)
    x = t
    y = np.abs(J[0]) * np.cos(t + offset - np.angle(J[0]))
    z = 0
    ax.plot(x, y, z, ':g')

def _draw_v_field_3d(J, ax, offset, last=4 * np.pi):
    Draw the vertical electric field in a 3D plot.

        J:      Jones vector
        ax:     matplotlib axis to use
        offset: starting point
        last:   length of optical axis
    t = np.linspace(0, last, 100)
    x = t
    y = 0 * t
    z = np.abs(J[1]) * np.cos(t + offset - np.angle(J[1]))
    ax.plot(x, y, z, ':b')

def _draw_total_field_3d(J, ax, offset, last=4 * np.pi):
    Draw the total electric field in a 3D plot.

        J:      Jones vector
        ax:     matplotlib axis to use
        offset: starting point
        last:   length of optical axis
    t = np.linspace(0, last, 100)
    x = t
    y = np.abs(J[0]) * np.cos(t + offset - np.angle(J[0]))
    z = np.abs(J[1]) * np.cos(t + offset - np.angle(J[1]))
    ax.plot(x, y, z, 'r')

def _draw_projected_vector_3d(J, ax, offset):
    Draw the projection vector of the polarization field in 3D.

        J:      Jones vector
        ax:     matplotlib axis to use
        offset: starting point
    y = np.abs(J[0]) * np.cos(offset - np.angle(J[0]))
    z = np.abs(J[1]) * np.cos(offset - np.angle(J[1]))

    x1, y1, z1 = 0, y, 0
    x2, y2, z2 = 0, y, z
    ax.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], 'g--')

    x1, y1, z1 = 0, 0, z
    ax.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], 'b--')

    x1, y1, z1 = 0, 0, 0
    ax.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], 'r')
    ax.scatter([0], [y], [z], marker='o', color='red')

def _draw_3D_field(J, ax, offset):
    Draw a representation of the polarization fields in 3D.

        J:      Jones vector
        ax:     matplotlib axis to use
        offset: starting point
    _draw_optical_axis_3d(J, ax)
    _draw_h_field_3d(J, ax, offset)
    _draw_v_field_3d(J, ax, offset)
    _draw_total_field_3d(J, ax, offset)
    _draw_projected_vector_3d(J, ax, offset)


def _draw_2D_field(J, ax, offset):
    Draw a simple 2D representation of the projected field.

    Also called a sectional pattern.

        J:      Jones vector
        ax:     matplotlib axis to use
        offset: starting point
    h_amp, v_amp = np.abs(J)
    h_phi, v_phi = np.angle(J)
    the_max = max(h_amp, v_amp) * 1.1

    ax.plot([-the_max, the_max], [0, 0], 'g')
    ax.plot([0, 0], [-the_max, the_max], 'b')

    t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    x = h_amp * np.cos(t + offset - h_phi)
    y = v_amp * np.cos(t + offset - v_phi)
    ax.plot(x, y, 'k')

    x = h_amp * np.cos(offset - h_phi)
    y = v_amp * np.cos(offset - v_phi)
    ax.plot(x, y, 'ro')
    ax.plot([x, x], [0, y], 'g--')
    ax.plot([0, x], [y, y], 'b--')
    ax.plot([0, x], [0, y], 'r')

    ax.set_xlim(-the_max, the_max)
    ax.set_ylim(-the_max, the_max)
    ax.text(0, 1, "y", ha="center")
    ax.text(1, 0, "x", va="center")

def _animation_update(offset, J, ax1, ax2):
    Draw the next animation frame.

        offset: starting phase for drawings
        J:      Jones vector
        ax1:    matplotlib axis for 3D plot
        ax2:    matplotlib axis for 2D plot
    _draw_3D_field(J, ax1, offset)
    _draw_2D_field(J, ax2, offset)
    return ax1, ax2

def draw_ellipse_axes(J, ax):
    Draw the sectional pattern with ellipse labels.

        J:  Jones vector
        ax: plot axis
    Ex0, Ey0 = np.abs(J)
    phix, phiy = np.angle(J)

    alpha = pypolar.jones.ellipse_azimuth(J)
    a, b = pypolar.jones.ellipse_axes(J)

    t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    xx = Ex0 * np.cos(t + phix)
    yy = Ey0 * np.cos(t + phiy)

    the_max = max(Ex0, Ey0) * 1.2

    ax.plot(xx, yy, 'b')

    # semi-major diameter
    dx = a * np.cos(alpha)
    dy = a * np.sin(alpha)
    ax.plot([0, dx], [0, dy], 'r')
    ax.text(dx / 2, dy / 2, '  a', color='red')
    ax.text(dx / 5, dy / 10, r'$\alpha$', va='center', ha='center')
    s = r'a=%.2f, b=%.2f, $\alpha$=%.2f°' % (a, b, np.degrees(alpha))
    ax.text(0, -1.15 * the_max, s, ha='center')

    # semi-minor diameter
    alpha += np.pi / 2
    dx = b * np.cos(alpha)
    dy = b * np.sin(alpha)
    ax.plot([0, dx], [0, dy], 'g')
    ax.text(dx / 2, dy / 2, '  b', color='green')
    s = r'b / a=%.2f, ' % (b / a)
    s += r'$\tan^{-1}(b / a)$=%.2f°' % np.degrees(pypolar.jones.ellipticity_angle(J))
    ax.text(0, -1.30 * the_max, s, ha='center')

    # draw x and y axes
    ax.plot([0, 0], [-the_max, the_max], 'k')
    ax.plot([-the_max, the_max], [0, 0], 'k')
    ax.set_xlim(-the_max, the_max)
    ax.set_ylim(-the_max, the_max)

def draw_ellipse_Ex_Ey(J, ax):
    Draw the sectional pattern with field labels.

        J:  Jones vector
        ax: plot axis
    Ex0, Ey0 = np.abs(J)
    phix, phiy = np.angle(J)

    t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    xx = Ex0 * np.cos(t + phix)
    yy = Ey0 * np.cos(t + phiy)

    the_max = max(Ex0, Ey0) * 1.2
    ax.plot(xx, yy, 'b')
    ax.plot([-Ex0, -Ex0, Ex0, Ex0, -Ex0], [-Ey0, Ey0, Ey0, -Ey0, -Ey0], ':g')
    ax.plot([-Ex0, Ex0], [-Ey0, Ey0], ':r')
    ax.plot([0, 0], [-the_max, the_max], 'k')
    ax.plot([-the_max, the_max], [0, 0], 'k')
    ax.text(Ex0, 0, r' $E_{x0}$', va='bottom', ha='left')
    ax.text(-Ex0, 0, r'$-E_{x0} $', va='bottom', ha='right')
    ax.text(0, Ey0, r'$E_{y0}$', va='bottom', ha='left')
    ax.text(0, -Ey0, r'$-E_{y0}$', va='top', ha='left')
    ax.text(0, Ey0 / 5, r' $\psi$', va='bottom', ha='left')
    ax.set_xlim(-the_max, the_max)
    ax.set_ylim(-the_max, the_max)
    psi = np.degrees(np.arctan2(Ex0, Ey0))
    s = r'$E_{0x}$=%.2f, $E_{0y}$=%.2f, $\psi$=%.2f°' % (Ex0, Ey0, psi)
    ax.text(0, -1.15 * the_max, s, ha='center')
    s = r'$\phi_x$=%.2f°, ' % np.degrees(phix)
    s += r'$\phi_y$=%.2f°, ' % np.degrees(phiy)
    s += r'$\phi_y-\phi_x$=%.2f°' % np.degrees(phiy - phix)
    ax.text(0, -1.30 * the_max, s, ha='center')

[docs] def draw_jones_ellipse(J, simple=False): """ Draw a 2D sectional pattern for a Jones vector. Args: J: Jones vector simple: if True then just draw a simple ellipse plot """ JJ = J if pypolar.jones.alternate_sign_convention: JJ = np.conjugate(J) if simple: Ex0, Ey0 = np.abs(JJ) phix, phiy = np.angle(JJ) the_max = max(Ex0, Ey0) * 1.2 t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) xx = Ex0 * np.cos(t + phix) yy = Ey0 * np.cos(t + phiy) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim(-the_max, the_max) ax.set_ylim(-the_max, the_max) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.axhline(0, color='black') ax.axvline(0, color='black') ax.plot(xx, yy, 'b') ax.plot([-Ex0, Ex0], [-Ey0, Ey0], ':r') ax.axis('off') ax.text(0, Ey0 / 5, r' $\psi$', va='bottom', ha='left') return plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) draw_ellipse_axes(JJ, ax1) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) draw_ellipse_Ex_Ey(JJ, ax2)
[docs] def draw_stokes_ellipse(S): """ Draw a 2D and 3D representation of the polarization. Args: S: Stokes vector """ J = pypolar.mueller.stokes_to_jones(S) draw_jones_ellipse(J)
[docs] def draw_jones_field(J, offset=0): """ Draw 3D and 2D representations of the polarization field. Args: J: Jones vector offset: starting point """ plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0], projection='3d') _draw_3D_field(J, ax1, offset) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) _draw_2D_field(J, ax2, offset)
[docs] def draw_stokes_field(S, offset=0): """ Draw a 2D and 3D representation of the polarization. Args: S: Stokes vector offset: starting point """ J = pypolar.mueller.stokes_to_jones(S) draw_jones_field(J, offset)
[docs] def draw_jones_animated(J, nframes=64): """ Animate 3D and 2D representations of the polarization field. Args: J: Jones vector """ JJ = J if pypolar.jones.alternate_sign_convention: JJ = np.conjugate(J) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0], projection='3d') ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, _animation_update, frames=np.linspace(0, -2 * np.pi, nframes), fargs=(JJ, ax1, ax2)) plt.close() return ani
[docs] def draw_stokes_animated(S): """ Draw animated 2D and 3D representations of the polarization. Args: S: Stokes vector """ J = pypolar.mueller.stokes_to_jones(S) ani = draw_jones_animated(J) return ani
[docs] def draw_empty_sphere(ax=None): """ Plot an empty Poincare sphere. Args: ax: pyplot axis """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.view_init(elev=30, azim=45) try: ax.set_box_aspect((1, 1, 1)) except AttributeError: try: ax.set_aspect('equal') except NotImplementedError: pass u = np.radians(np.linspace(0, 360, 90)) v = np.radians(np.linspace(0, 180, 90)) zz = np.zeros_like(u) x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)) y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)) z = np.outer(np.ones_like(u), np.cos(v)) ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, alpha=0.1, color='blue') # draw circumferences plt.plot(np.sin(u), np.cos(u), 0, 'k', lw=0.5) plt.plot(np.sin(u), zz, np.cos(u), 'k', lw=0.5) plt.plot(zz, np.sin(u), np.cos(u), 'k', lw=0.5) # draw x,y,z axes plt.plot([-1, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], 'k--', lw=1, alpha=0.5) plt.plot([0, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 0], 'k--', lw=1, alpha=0.5) plt.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], [-1, 1], 'k--', lw=1, alpha=0.5) # label directions ax.text(1.15, 0, 0, '0°', fontsize=12, color='black', ha='center') ax.text(0, 1.25, 0, '45°', fontsize=12, color='black', ha='center') ax.text(0, 0, 1.15, 'RCP', fontsize=12, color='black', ha='center') ax.text(0, 0, -1.15, 'LCP', fontsize=12, color='black', ha='center') ax.text(-1.15, 0, 0, '90°', fontsize=12, color='black', ha='center') # Stokes parameters ax.set_xlabel('S₁', fontsize=14, labelpad=-10) ax.set_ylabel('S₂', fontsize=14, labelpad=-10) ax.set_zlabel('S₃', fontsize=14, labelpad=-10) # Hide grid and ticks ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_zticks([])
def great_circle_points(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz): """ Create a list of points along the great circle between a and b. The great circle is assumed to lie on the unit sphere with center at (0,0,0) The points a=(ax,ay,az) and b=(bx,by,bz) are the beginning and end of the arc. Algorithm is from / threads / 571535 """ delta = np.arccos(ax * bx + ay * by + az * bz) psi = np.linspace(0, delta) sinpsi = np.sin(psi) cospsi = np.cos(psi) sindelta = np.sin(delta) # handle case when delta=0° or 180° if sindelta == 0: sindelta = 1e-5 elif abs(sindelta) < 1e-5: sindelta = 1e-5 * np.sign(sindelta) x = cospsi * ax + sinpsi * ((az**2 + ay**2) * bx - (az * bz + ay * by) * ax) / sindelta y = cospsi * ay + sinpsi * ((az**2 + ax**2) * by - (az * bz + ax * bx) * ay) / sindelta z = cospsi * az + sinpsi * ((ay**2 + ax**2) * bz - (ay * by + ax * bx) * az) / sindelta return x, y, z def spherical_angles(x, y, z): """Azimuth and elevation for a point on a sphere.""" phi = np.arctan2(y, x) theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(x * x + y * y), z) return phi, theta
[docs] def draw_stokes_poincare(S, ax=None, label=None, **kwargs): """Plot single point on Poincaré sphere.""" if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') draw_empty_sphere(ax) SS = np.sqrt(S[1]**2 + S[2]**2 + S[3]**2) x = S[1] / SS y = S[2] / SS z = S[3] / SS plot_keys = ['lineweight', 'color', 'linestyle', 'markersize'] plot_args = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in plot_keys if k in kwargs) ax.plot([x], [y], [z], 'o', **plot_args) if label is not None: text_keys = ['fontsize', 'ha', 'color', 'va'] text_args = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in text_keys if k in kwargs) ax.text(x, y, z, label, **text_args)
[docs] def draw_jones_poincare(J, ax=None, label=None, **kwargs): """Plot single point on Poincaré sphere.""" S = pypolar.jones.jones_to_stokes(J) draw_stokes_poincare(S, ax=ax, label=label, **kwargs)
[docs] def join_stokes_poincare(S1, S2, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot arc joining two Stokes vectors on Poincaré sphere.""" if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') draw_empty_sphere(ax) SS1 = np.sqrt(S1[1]**2 + S1[2]**2 + S1[3]**2) SS2 = np.sqrt(S2[1]**2 + S2[2]**2 + S2[3]**2) x, y, z = great_circle_points(S1[1] / SS1, S1[2] / SS1, S1[3] / SS1, S2[1] / SS2, S2[2] / SS2, S2[3] / SS2) ax.plot(x, y, z, **kwargs)
[docs] def join_jones_poincare(J1, J2, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot arc joining two Jones vectors on Poincaré sphere.""" S1 = pypolar.jones.jones_to_stokes(J1) S2 = pypolar.jones.jones_to_stokes(J2) join_stokes_poincare(S1, S2, ax=ax, **kwargs)