The Jones Vector

Scott Prahl

April 2020

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pypolar.jones as jones
import pypolar.visualization as vis

np.set_printoptions(suppress=True)  # to print 1e-16 as zero


This notebook generates Jones vectors for different polarization states and derives parameters from them. It shows that pypolar.jones produces results that match those from standard references.

Complete details of the assumptions can be found in Jupyter notebook on Conventions

Resources used or mentioned in this notebook.

  • Jones, “A New Calculus for the Treatment of Optical Systems”, JOSA, 38, 681 (1948).

  • Azzam, Ellipsometry and Polarized Light, 1977.

  • Collett, Field Guide to Polarization, 2005.

  • Fowles, Introduction to Modern Optics, 1975.

  • Goldstein, Polarized Light, 2003.

  • Kliger, Polarized Light in Optics and Spectroscopy, 1990

  • Shurcliff, Polarized Light Production and Use, 1962.

  • Tompkins, Handbook of Ellipsometry, 2005.

Comparison with Kliger Appendix A page 275

Here the Jones vectors (and polarization angles) are

def printit(J):
    tanomega = jones.ellipticity(J)
    beta = np.degrees(jones.amplitude_ratio_angle(J))
    delta = np.degrees(jones.phase(J))
    print("%6.2f  %6.3f  %6.2f  %7.2f   [%13s, %13s]" %
          (alpha, tanomega,beta,delta,

print("alpha  tan(omega) beta    ϕy-ϕx       Standard Normalized")
light = jones.field_horizontal()
#print("Jones vector for horizontally-polarized light")

light = jones.field_vertical()
#print("Jones vector for vertically-polarized light")

light = jones.field_linear(np.radians(45))
#print("Jones vector for 45° linearly polarized light")

light = jones.field_linear(np.radians(-45))
#print("Jones vector for -45° linearly polarized light")

light = jones.field_linear(np.radians(30))
#print("Jones vector for 30° linearly polarized light")

light = jones.field_linear(np.radians(-60))
#print("Jones vector for -60° linearly polarized light")

light = jones.field_right_circular()
#print("Jones vector for right circularly polarized light")

light = jones.field_left_circular()
#print("Jones vector for left circularly polarized light")

J = 1/np.sqrt(5)*np.array([2,1j])

J = 1/np.sqrt(5)*np.array([2,-1j])

J = 1/np.sqrt(5)*np.array([1,2j])

J = 1/np.sqrt(5)*np.array([1,-2j])

J = 1/2*np.array([np.sqrt(2),1+1j])

J = 1/2*np.array([np.sqrt(2),1-1j])

J = 1/2/np.sqrt(2)*np.array([np.sqrt(6),1+1j])

J = np.sqrt(6)/4*np.array([2/np.sqrt(6),-1-1j])

alpha  tan(omega) beta    ϕy-ϕx       Standard Normalized
  0.00   0.000    0.00     0.00   [        1.000,         0.000]
 90.00   0.000   90.00     0.00   [        0.000,         1.000]
 45.00   0.000   45.00     0.00   [        0.707,         0.707]
-45.00   0.000   45.00   180.00   [        0.707,        -0.707]
 30.00   0.000   30.00     0.00   [        0.866,         0.500]
-60.00   0.000   60.00   180.00   [        0.500,        -0.866]
 45.00   1.000   45.00    90.00   [ 0.707+0.000j,  0.000+0.707j]
 45.00  -1.000   45.00   -90.00   [ 0.707+0.000j,  0.000-0.707j]
  0.00   0.500   26.57    90.00   [ 0.894+0.000j,  0.000+0.447j]
  0.00  -0.500   26.57   -90.00   [ 0.894+0.000j,  0.000-0.447j]
 90.00   0.500   63.43    90.00   [ 0.447+0.000j,  0.000+0.894j]
 90.00  -0.500   63.43   -90.00   [ 0.447+0.000j,  0.000-0.894j]
 45.00   0.414   45.00    45.00   [ 0.707+0.000j,  0.500+0.500j]
 45.00  -0.414   45.00   -45.00   [ 0.707+0.000j,  0.500-0.500j]
 25.38   0.342   30.00    45.00   [ 0.866+0.000j,  0.354+0.354j]
-64.62  -0.342   60.00  -135.00   [ 0.500+0.000j, -0.612-0.612j]

Comparison with Shurcliff Table 2.1 page 23

def printit(J):
    tanomega = jones.ellipticity(J)
    ratio = jones.amplitude_ratio(J)
    delta = np.degrees(jones.phase(J))
    print("%6.2f  %6.3f  %7.2f  %7.2f   [%13s, %13s]" %
          (alpha, tanomega,ratio,delta,

print(" tilt     b/a  Eyo/Exo    ϕy-ϕx       Standard Normalized")

J = np.array([1,0])

J = np.array([0,1])

J = 1/np.sqrt(2)*np.array([1,1])

J = 1/np.sqrt(2)*np.array([1,-1])

J = 1/np.sqrt(2)*np.array([-1j,1])

J = 1/np.sqrt(2)*np.array([1j,1])

J = 1/np.sqrt(5)*np.array([-2j,1])

J = 1/np.sqrt(5)*np.array([-1j,2])

J = 0.325*np.array([2.73,1+1j])
 tilt     b/a  Eyo/Exo    ϕy-ϕx       Standard Normalized
  0.00   0.000     0.00     0.00   [        1.000,         0.000]
 90.00   0.000      inf     0.00   [        0.000,         1.000]
 45.00   0.000     1.00     0.00   [        0.707,         0.707]
-45.00   0.000     1.00   180.00   [        0.707,        -0.707]
 45.00   1.000     1.00    90.00   [ 0.000-0.707j,  0.707+0.000j]
 45.00  -1.000     1.00   -90.00   [ 0.000+0.707j,  0.707+0.000j]
  0.00   0.500     0.50    90.00   [ 0.000-0.894j,  0.447+0.000j]
 90.00   0.500     2.00    90.00   [ 0.000-0.447j,  0.894+0.000j]
 22.52   0.318     0.52    45.00   [ 0.887+0.000j,  0.325+0.325j]

Comparison with Wikipedia or Fowles (page 34)

These treatments use \(e^{kz-\omega t}\) we need to use jones.use_alternate_convention(True) to account for this different convention.

def printit(J):
    tanomega = jones.ellipticity(J)
    ratio = jones.amplitude_ratio(J)
    delta = np.degrees(jones.phase(J))
    print("%6.2f  %6.3f  %7.2f  %7.2f   [%13s, %13s]" %
          (alpha, tanomega,ratio,delta,

# to account for different sign convention

print(" tilt     b/a  Eyo/Exo    ϕy-ϕx       Standard Normalized")

light = jones.field_horizontal()
print("Jones vector for horizontally-polarized light")

light = jones.field_vertical()
print("Jones vector for vertically-polarized light")

light = jones.field_linear(np.radians(45))
print("Jones vector for 45° linearly polarized light")

light = jones.field_linear(np.radians(-45))
print("Jones vector for -45° linearly polarized light")

light = jones.field_right_circular()
print("Jones vector for right circularly polarized light")

light = jones.field_left_circular()
print("Jones vector for left circularly polarized light")


 tilt     b/a  Eyo/Exo    ϕy-ϕx       Standard Normalized
Jones vector for horizontally-polarized light
  0.00   0.000     0.00     0.00   [        1.000,         0.000]
Jones vector for vertically-polarized light
 90.00   0.000      inf     0.00   [        0.000,         1.000]
Jones vector for 45° linearly polarized light
 45.00   0.000     1.00     0.00   [        0.707,         0.707]
Jones vector for -45° linearly polarized light
-45.00   0.000     1.00   180.00   [        0.707,        -0.707]
Jones vector for right circularly polarized light
 45.00  -1.000     1.00   -90.00   [ 0.707-0.000j,  0.000-0.707j]
Jones vector for left circularly polarized light
 45.00   1.000     1.00    90.00   [ 0.707-0.000j,  0.000+0.707j]

Round tripping through code

This tests construction and deconstruction of Jones vectors.

def testit(azimuth, ellipticity_angle, phi_x, E0):
    J = jones.field_elliptical(azimuth, ellipticity_angle, phi_x, E0)
    alpha = jones.ellipse_azimuth(J)
    phix = np.angle(J[0])
    epsilon = jones.ellipticity_angle(J)
    delta = jones.phase(J)
    Ex0, Ey0 = np.abs(J)
    e0 = np.sqrt(Ex0**2+Ey0**2)
    print("%6.2f   %6.2f   " % (np.degrees(azimuth),np.degrees(alpha)), end='')
    print("%6.2f   %6.2f   " % (np.degrees(ellipticity_angle),np.degrees(epsilon)), end='')
    print("%6.2f   %6.2f   " % (np.degrees(phi_x),np.degrees(phix)), end='')
    print("%6.2f   %6.2f  " % (E0,e0))

print("azimuth  calc     epsilon   calc    phi_x     calc      E0      calc")
ellipticity_angle = np.radians(12)
phi_x = np.radians(-17)
E0 = 3
for az in [-89, -30, -40, 0, 40]:
    azimuth = np.radians(az)
    testit(azimuth, ellipticity_angle, phi_x, E0)

azimuth = np.radians(55)
E0 = 5
for p in [-89, -30, -40, 0, 40]:
    phi_x = np.radians(p)
    testit(azimuth, ellipticity_angle, phi_x, E0)

azimuth = np.radians(-15)
phi_x = np.radians(17)
E0 = 0.5
for p in [-44, -30, 0, 15, 40]:
    ellipticity_angle = np.radians(p)
    testit(azimuth, ellipticity_angle, phi_x, E0)
azimuth  calc     epsilon   calc    phi_x     calc      E0      calc
-89.00   -89.00    12.00    12.00   -17.00   -17.00     3.00     3.00
-30.00   -30.00    12.00    12.00   -17.00   -17.00     3.00     3.00
-40.00   -40.00    12.00    12.00   -17.00   -17.00     3.00     3.00
  0.00     0.00    12.00    12.00   -17.00   -17.00     3.00     3.00
 40.00    40.00    12.00    12.00   -17.00   -17.00     3.00     3.00

 55.00    55.00    12.00    12.00   -89.00   -89.00     5.00     5.00
 55.00    55.00    12.00    12.00   -30.00   -30.00     5.00     5.00
 55.00    55.00    12.00    12.00   -40.00   -40.00     5.00     5.00
 55.00    55.00    12.00    12.00     0.00     0.00     5.00     5.00
 55.00    55.00    12.00    12.00    40.00    40.00     5.00     5.00

-15.00   -15.00   -44.00   -44.00    17.00    17.00     0.50     0.50
-15.00   -15.00   -30.00   -30.00    17.00    17.00     0.50     0.50
-15.00   -15.00     0.00    -0.00    17.00    17.00     0.50     0.50
-15.00   -15.00    15.00    15.00    17.00    17.00     0.50     0.50
-15.00   -15.00    40.00    40.00    17.00    17.00     0.50     0.50


light = jones.field_horizontal()
inten = jones.intensity(light)
print("Intensity for horizontally-polarized    light %.3f" % inten)

light = jones.field_vertical()
inten = jones.intensity(light)
print("Intensity for vertically-polarized      light %.3f" % inten)

light = jones.field_linear(np.radians(45))
inten = jones.intensity(light)
print("Intensity for 45° linearly polarized     light %.3f" % inten)

light = jones.field_right_circular()
inten = jones.intensity(light)
print("Intensity for right circularly polarized light %.3f" % inten)

light = jones.field_left_circular()
inten = jones.intensity(light)
print("Intensity for left circularly polarized  light %.3f" % inten)
Intensity for horizontally-polarized    light 1.000
Intensity for vertically-polarized      light 1.000
Intensity for 45° linearly polarized     light 1.000
Intensity for right circularly polarized light 1.000
Intensity for left circularly polarized  light 1.000

The polarization variable \(\chi\)

The polarization variable is defined as

\[\chi= \frac{E_y}{E_x}\]

which happens to be equal to

\[\chi = \frac{\tan\alpha+ j\tan\varepsilon}{1-j\tan\alpha\tan\varepsilon}\]

where \(\alpha\) is the azimuth of the ellipse and \(\varepsilon=\tan{b/a}\) is the ellipticity angle (\(b\) and \(a\) are the minor and major axes of the ellipse.

azimuth = np.radians(-15)
phi_x = np.radians(17)
E0 = 0.5
for p in [-44, -30, 0, 15, 40]:
    ellipticity_angle = np.radians(p)
    tane = np.tan(ellipticity_angle)
    tana = np.tan(azimuth)
    J = jones.field_elliptical(azimuth, ellipticity_angle, phi_x, E0)
    chi1 = (tana+1j*tane)/(1-1j*tana*tane)
    print('jones    = ', jones.polarization_variable(J))
    print('expected = ', chi1)

jones    =  (-0.01693782214321035-0.97007152990789j)
expected =  (-0.016937822143210306-0.9700715299078898j)

jones    =  (-0.17445763018700944-0.6043389585039243j)
expected =  (-0.17445763018700947-0.6043389585039243j)

jones    =  (-0.2679491924311227-1.3739558588929501e-17j)
expected =  (-0.2679491924311227+0j)

jones    =  (-0.24743582965269675+0.2857142857142857j)
expected =  (-0.24743582965269673+0.2857142857142857j)

jones    =  (-0.07547402343166398+0.856068913882793j)
expected =  (-0.07547402343166398+0.8560689138827929j)

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