Source code for pypolar.sym_jones

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
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Useful routines for symbolic manipulation of Jones vectors and matrices.

Creating Jones vectors for specific polarization states::

    * field_linear(angle)
    * field_left_circular()
    * field_right_circular()
    * field_horizontal()
    * field_vertical()
    * field_ellipsometry(tanpsi, Delta)
    * field_elliptical(azimuth, elliptic_angle)

Creating Jones Matrices for polarizing elements::

    * op_linear_polarizer(angle)
    * op_retarder(fast_axis_angle, retardance)
    * op_attenuator(optical_density)
    * op_mirror()
    * op_rotation(angle)
    * op_quarter_wave_plate(fast_axis_angle)
    * op_half_wave_plate(fast_axis_angle)
    * op_fresnel_reflection(index_of_refraction, angle)
    * op_fresnel_transmission(index_of_refraction, angle)

Interpreting the polarization state::

    * use_alternate_convention(boolean)
    * interpret(jones_vector)
    * intensity(jones_vector)
    * phase(jones_vector)
    * ellipse_azimuth(jones_vector)
    * ellipse_axes(jones_vector)
    * ellipticity(jones_vector)
    * ellipticity_angle(jones_vector)
    * amplitude_ratio(jones_vector)
    * amplitude_ratio_angle(jones_vector)
    * polarization_variable(jones_vector)

Converting to Mueller formalism::

    * jones_op_to_mueller_op(jones_matrix)
    * jones_to_stokes(jones_vector)

import sympy
from pypolar import sym_fresnel

__all__ = ('op_linear_polarizer',

[docs] def op_linear_polarizer(theta): """ Jones matrix operator for a rotated linear polarizer. The polarizer is rotated around a normal to its surface. Args: theta: rotation angle measured from the horizontal plane [radians] """ return sympy.Matrix([[sympy.cos(theta)**2, sympy.sin(theta) * sympy.cos(theta)], [sympy.sin(theta) * sympy.cos(theta), sympy.sin(theta)**2]])
[docs] def op_retarder(theta, delta): """ Jones matrix operator for a rotated optical retarder. The retarder is rotated around a normal to its surface. Args: theta: rotation angle between fast-axis and the horizontal plane [radians] delta: phase delay introduced between fast and slow-axes [radians] """ P = sympy.exp(+delta / 2 * sympy.I) Q = sympy.exp(-delta / 2 * sympy.I) D = sympy.sin(delta / 2) * 2 * sympy.I C = sympy.cos(theta) S = sympy.sin(theta) return sympy.Matrix([[C * C * P + S * S * Q, C * S * D], [C * S * D, C * C * Q + S * S * P]])
[docs] def op_attenuator(t): """ Jones matrix operator for an optical attenuator. Args: t: fraction of intensity passing through attenuator [---] """ f = sympy.sqrt(t) return sympy.Matrix([[f, 0], [0, f]])
def op_neutral_density_filter(nd): """ Jones matrix operator for a neutral density filter with decadic attenuation. Args: nd: base ten optical density [---] """ return sympy.Matrix([[10**-nd / 2, 0], [0, 10**-nd / 2]])
[docs] def op_mirror(): """Jones matrix operator for a perfect mirror.""" return sympy.Matrix([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
[docs] def op_rotation(theta): """ Jones matrix operator to rotate light around the optical axis. Args: theta : angle of rotation about optical axis [radians] Returns: 2x2 matrix of the rotation operator [-] """ return sympy.Matrix([[sympy.cos(theta), sympy.sin(theta)], [-sympy.sin(theta), sympy.cos(theta)]])
[docs] def op_quarter_wave_plate(theta): """ Jones matrix operator for a rotated quarter-wave plate. The QWP is rotated about a normal to its surface. Args: theta : angle from fast-axis to horizontal plane [radians] Returns: 2x2 matrix of the quarter-wave plate operator [-] """ return op_retarder(theta, sympy.pi / 2)
[docs] def op_half_wave_plate(theta): """ Jones matrix operator for a rotated half-wave plate. The HWP is rotated about a normal to its surface. Args: theta : angle from fast-axis to horizontal plane [radians] Returns: 2x2 matrix of the half-wave plate operator [-] """ return op_retarder(theta, sympy.pi)
[docs] def op_fresnel_reflection(m, theta): """ Jones matrix operator for Fresnel reflection at angle. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta : angle from normal to surface [radians] Returns: 2x2 matrix of the Fresnel transmission operator [-] """ return sympy.Matrix([[sym_fresnel.r_par_amplitude(m, theta), 0], [0, sym_fresnel.r_per_amplitude(m, theta)]])
[docs] def op_fresnel_transmission(m, theta): """ Jones matrix operator for Fresnel transmission at angle theta. *** THIS IS ALMOST CERTAINLY WRONG *** Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta : angle from normal to surface [radians] Returns: 2x2 Fresnel transmission operator [-] """ c = sympy.cos(theta) d = sympy.sqrt(m * m - sympy.sin(theta)**2) if m.imag == 0: d = sympy.conjugate(d) a = sympy.sqrt(d / c) tpar = sym_fresnel.t_par_amplitude(m, theta) tper = sym_fresnel.t_per_amplitude(m, theta) return a * sympy.Matrix([[tpar, 0], [0, tper]])
[docs] def field_linear(theta): """Jones vector for linear polarized light at angle theta from horizontal plane.""" return sympy.Matrix([sympy.cos(theta), sympy.sin(theta)])
[docs] def field_right_circular(): """Jones Vector for right circular polarized light.""" return 1 / sympy.sqrt(2) * sympy.Matrix([1, -sympy.I])
[docs] def field_left_circular(): """Jones Vector for left circular polarized light.""" return 1 / sympy.sqrt(2) * sympy.Matrix([1, sympy.I])
[docs] def field_horizontal(): """Jones Vector for horizontal polarized light.""" return field_linear(0)
[docs] def field_vertical(): """Jones Vector for vertical polarized light.""" return field_linear(sympy.pi / 2)
def field_elliptical(A, B): """Jones Vector for elliptically polarized light.""" return sympy.Matrix([A, B])
[docs] def intensity(J): """Return the intensity.""" return sympy.conjugate(J.T).dot(J)
[docs] def phase(J): """Return the phase.""" gamma = sympy.arg(J[1]) - sympy.arg(J[0]) return gamma
def ellipse_orientation(J): """ Return the angle between the major semi-axis and the x-axis. This angle is sometimes called the azimuth or psi. """ Ex = sympy.Abs(J[0, :]) Ey = sympy.Abs(J[1, :]) delta = phase(J) numer = 2 * Ex * Ey * sympy.cos(delta) denom = Ex**2 - Ey**2 psi = 0.5 * sympy.arctan2(numer, denom) return psi def ellipse_ellipticity(J): """Return the ellipticity of the polarization ellipse.""" delta = phase(J) psi = ellipse_orientation(J) chi = 0.5 * sympy.arcsin(sympy.sin(2 * psi) * sympy.sin(delta)) return chi def ellipse_axes(J): """Return the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the polarization ellipse.""" Exo, Eyo = sympy.conjugate(J.T) * J psi = ellipse_orientation(J) delta = phase(J) C = sympy.cos(psi) S = sympy.sin(psi) asqr = (Exo * C)**2 + (Eyo * S)**2 + 2 * Exo * Eyo * C * S * sympy.cos(delta) bsqr = (Exo * S)**2 + (Eyo * C)**2 - 2 * Exo * Eyo * C * S * sympy.cos(delta) return sympy.sqrt(abs(asqr)), sympy.sqrt(abs(bsqr))