Source code for pypolar.sym_fresnel

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=no-member

Useful basic routines for managing symbolic Fresnel reflection.

To Do
    * tests and documentation

Scott Prahl
Apr 2019

import sympy

__all__ = ('r_par_amplitude',

[docs] def r_par_amplitude(m, theta_i): """ Calculate the reflected amplitude for parallel polarized light. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : angle from normal to surface [radians] Returns: reflected fraction of parallel field [-] """ c = m * m * sympy.cos(theta_i) s = sympy.sin(theta_i) d = sympy.sqrt(m * m - s * s) if == 0: d = sympy.conjugate(d) rp = (c - d) / (c + d) return rp
[docs] def r_per_amplitude(m, theta_i): """ Calculate the reflected amplitude for perpendicular polarized light. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: reflected fraction of perpendicular field [-] """ c = sympy.cos(theta_i) s = sympy.sin(theta_i) d = sympy.sqrt(m * m - s * s) if == 0: d = sympy.conjugate(d) rs = (c - d) / (c + d) return rs
[docs] def t_par_amplitude(m, theta_i): """ Calculate the transmitted amplitude for parallel polarized light. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: transmitted fraction of parallel field [-] """ c = sympy.cos(theta_i) s = sympy.sin(theta_i) d = sympy.sqrt(m * m - s * s) if == 0: d = sympy.conjugate(d) tp = 2 * c * m / (m * m * c + d) return tp
[docs] def t_per_amplitude(m, theta_i): """ Calculate the transmitted amplitude for perpendicular polarized light. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: transmitted fraction of perpendicular field [-] """ c = sympy.cos(theta_i) s = sympy.sin(theta_i) d = sympy.sqrt(m * m - s * s) if == 0: d = sympy.conjugate(d) ts = 2 * c / (c + d) return ts
[docs] def R_par(m, theta_i): """ Fraction of parallel-polarized light that is reflected (R_p). Calculate reflected fraction of incident power (or flux) assuming that the E-field of the incident light is parallel to the plane of incidence Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: reflected power [-] """ return sympy.abs(r_par_amplitude(m, theta_i))**2
[docs] def R_per(m, theta_i): """ Fraction of perpendicular-polarized light that is reflected (R_s). Calculate reflected fraction of incident power (or flux) assuming that the E-field of the incident light is perpendicular to the plane of incidence Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: reflected irradiance [-] """ return sympy.abs(r_per_amplitude(m, theta_i))**2
[docs] def T_par(m, theta_i): """ Fraction of parallel-polarized light that is transmitted (T_p). Calculate transmitted fraction of incident power (or flux) assuming that the E-field of the incident light is parallel to the plane of incidence Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: transmitted irradiance [-] """ c = sympy.cos(theta_i) s = sympy.sin(theta_i) d = sympy.sqrt(m * m - s * s) # m*cos(theta_t) tp = 2 * c * m / (m * m * c + d) return d / c * sympy.abs(tp)**2
[docs] def T_per(m, theta_i): """ Fraction of perpendicular-polarized light that is transmitted (T_s). Calculate transmitted fraction of incident power (or flux) assuming that the E-field of the incident light is perpendicular to the plane of incidence Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: transmitted field amplitude [-] """ c = sympy.cos(theta_i) s = sympy.sin(theta_i) d = sympy.sqrt(m * m - s * s) # m*cos(theta_t) ts = 2 * c / (c + d) return d / c * sympy.abs(ts)**2
[docs] def R_unpolarized(m, theta_i): """ Fraction of unpolarized light that is reflected. Calculate reflection fraction of incident power (or flux) assuming that the incident light is unpolarized Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: reflected irradiance [-] """ return (R_par(m, theta_i) + R_per(m, theta_i)) / 2
[docs] def T_unpolarized(m, theta_i): """ Fraction of unpolarized light that is transmitted. Calculate transmitted fraction of incident power (or flux) assuming that the incident light is unpolarized Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: reflected irradiance [-] """ return (T_par(m, theta_i) + T_per(m, theta_i)) / 2
[docs] def ellipsometry_rho(m, theta_i): """ Calculate the ellipsometer parameter rho. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: ellipsometer parameter rho [-] """ return r_par_amplitude(m, theta_i) / r_per_amplitude(m, theta_i)
[docs] def ellipsometry_index(rho, theta_i): """ Calculate the index of refraction for an isotropic sample. Args: rho : r_par_amplitude/r_per_amplitude [-] theta_i : incidence angle from normal [radians] Returns: complex index of refraction [-] """ e_index = sympy.sqrt(1 - 4 * rho * sympy.sin(theta_i)**2 / (1 + rho)**2) return sympy.tan(theta_i) * e_index