Source code for pypolar.mueller

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Useful basic routines for managing polarization with the Stokes / Mueller calculus.

The routines are broken up into four groups: (1) creating Stokes vectors, (2)
creating Mueller matrix operators, (3) interpretation, and (4) conversion.

Functions to create Stokes vectors::

    stokes_elliptical(DOP, azimuth, ellipticity)
    stokes_ellipsometry(tanpsi, Delta)

Functions to create Mueller matrix operators::

    op_retarder(fast_axis_angle, phase_delay)
    op_fresnel_reflection(index_of_refraction, incidence_angle)
    op_fresnel_transmission(index_of_refraction, incidence_angle)

Functions to interpret Stokes vectors::


Functions to convert::


import numpy as np
import pypolar.jones
import pypolar.fresnel

__all__ = ('op_linear_polarizer',

[docs] def op_linear_polarizer(theta): """ Mueller matrix operator for a rotated linear polarizer. The polarizer is rotated around a normal to its surface. Args: theta: rotation angle measured from the horizontal plane [radians] """ C2 = np.cos(2 * theta) S2 = np.sin(2 * theta) lp = np.array([[1, C2, S2, 0], [C2, C2**2, C2 * S2, 0], [S2, C2 * S2, S2 * S2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) return 0.5 * lp
[docs] def op_retarder(theta, delta): """ Mueller matrix operator for an rotated optical retarder. The retarder is rotated around a normal to its surface. Args: theta: rotation angle between fast-axis and the horizontal plane [radians] delta: phase delay introduced between fast and slow-axes [radians] """ C2 = np.cos(2 * theta) S2 = np.sin(2 * theta) C = np.cos(delta) S = np.sin(delta) ret = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, C2**2 + C * S2**2, (1 - C) * S2 * C2, -S * S2], [0, (1 - C) * C2 * S2, S2**2 + C * C2**2, S * C2], [0, S * S2, -S * C2, C]]) return ret
[docs] def op_attenuator(t): """ Mueller matrix operator for an optical attenuator. Args: t : fraction of light getting through attenuator [---] """ att = np.array([[t, 0, 0, 0], [0, t, 0, 0], [0, 0, t, 0], [0, 0, 0, t]]) return att
[docs] def op_mirror(): """Mueller matrix operator for a perfect mirror.""" mir = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1]]) return mir
[docs] def op_rotation(theta): """ Mueller matrix operator to rotate light around the optical axis. Args: theta: rotation angle [radians] """ C2 = np.cos(2 * theta) S2 = np.sin(2 * theta) rot = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, C2, S2, 0], [0, -S2, C2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) return rot
[docs] def op_quarter_wave_plate(theta): """ Mueller matrix operator for an quarter-wave plate. Args: theta: rotation angle between fast-axis and the horizontal plane [radians] Returns: a Mueller matrix operator for the rotated quarter-wave plate. """ C2 = np.cos(2 * theta) S2 = np.sin(2 * theta) qwp = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, C2**2, C2 * S2, -S2], [0, C2 * S2, S2 * S2, C2], [0, S2, -C2, 0]]) return qwp
[docs] def op_half_wave_plate(theta): """ Mueller matrix for a rotated half-wave plate. Args: theta: rotation angle between fast-axis and the horizontal plane [radians] Returns: a Mueller matrix operator for the rotated half-wave plate. """ C2 = np.cos(2 * theta) S2 = np.sin(2 * theta) qwp = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, C2**2 - S2**2, 2 * C2 * S2, 0], [0, 2 * C2 * S2, S2 * S2 - C2**2, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1]]) return qwp
[docs] def op_fresnel_reflection(m, theta): """ Mueller matrix operator for Fresnel reflection at angle theta. These are based on Collett, Mueller-Stokes Matrix Formulation of Fresnel equation, Am. J Phys., 39, 1971. The changes in direction and detector orientation are included in the Mueller matrix. See Clark, *Stellar Polarimetry*, Appendix A. Still needs sign testing for angles above Brewster's angle. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta : angle from normal to surface [radians] Returns: 4x4 Fresnel reflection Mueller matrix [-] """ rho_p = pypolar.fresnel.r_par_amplitude(m, theta) rho_s = pypolar.fresnel.r_per_amplitude(m, theta) a = abs(rho_s)**2 + abs(rho_p)**2 b = abs(rho_s)**2 - abs(rho_p)**2 c = 2 * rho_s * rho_p mat = np.array([[a, b, 0, 0], [b, a, 0, 0], [0, 0, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, c]]) return 0.5 * mat
[docs] def op_fresnel_transmission(m, theta): """ Mueller matrix operator for Fresnel transmission at angle theta. These are based on Collett, Mueller-Stokes Matrix Formulation of Fresnel equation, Am. J Phys., 39, 1971. Still needs sign testing for angles above Brewster's angle. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta : angle from normal to surface [radians] Returns: 4x4 Fresnel transmission operator [-] """ tau_p = pypolar.fresnel.T_par(m, theta) tau_s = pypolar.fresnel.T_per(m, theta) a = tau_s + tau_p b = tau_s - tau_p c = 2 * np.sqrt(tau_s * tau_p) mat = np.array([[a, b, 0, 0], [b, a, 0, 0], [0, 0, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, c]]) return 0.5 * mat
[docs] def stokes_linear(theta): """Stokes vector for light polarized at angle theta from the horizontal plane.""" if np.isscalar(theta): return np.array([1, np.cos(2 * theta), np.sin(2 * theta), 0]) return np.array([np.ones_like(theta), np.cos(2 * theta), np.sin(2 * theta), np.zeros_like(theta)]).T
[docs] def stokes_right_circular(): """Stokes vector for right circular polarized light.""" return np.array([1, 0, 0, 1])
[docs] def stokes_left_circular(): """Stokes vector for left circular polarized light.""" return np.array([1, 0, 0, -1])
[docs] def stokes_horizontal(): """Stokes vector for horizontal polarized light.""" return np.array([1, 1, 0, 0])
[docs] def stokes_vertical(): """Stokes vector for vertical polarized light.""" return np.array([1, -1, 0, 0])
[docs] def stokes_unpolarized(): """Stokes vector for vertical polarized light.""" return np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])
[docs] def stokes_ellipsometry(tanpsi, Delta): """ Stokes vector using ellipsometer parameters. This creates a Stokes vector for the specific set of ellipsometry parameters tanpsi and Delta. See Fujiwara table 3.1 for example. Args: tanpsi: abs(E_x / E_y) [-] Delta: angle(E_x) - angle(E_y) [radians] Returns: normalized Stokes vector with specified properties """ psi = np.arctan(tanpsi) cp = np.cos(2 * psi) sp = np.sin(2 * psi) cd = np.cos(2 * Delta) sd = np.sin(2 * Delta) if np.isscalar(tanpsi) and np.isscalar(Delta): return np.array([1, -cp, sp * cd, -sp * sd]) return np.array([np.ones_like(tanpsi), -cp, sp * cd, -sp * sd]).T
[docs] def stokes_elliptical(DOP, azimuth, ellipticity): """ Stokes vector for partially polarized elliptically polarized light. Args: DOP: degree of polarization [-] azimuth: tilt of ellipse relative to horizontal [radians] ellipticity: ratio of minor to major axes [-] Returns: normalized Stokes vector with specified properties """ omega = np.arctan(ellipticity) cw = np.cos(2 * omega) sw = np.sin(2 * omega) ca = np.cos(2 * azimuth) sa = np.sin(2 * azimuth) if np.isscalar(DOP): unpolarized = np.array([1 - DOP, 0, 0, 0]) polarized = DOP * np.array([1, cw * ca, cw * sa, sw]) return unpolarized + polarized unpolarized = np.array([np.ones_like(DOP) - DOP, np.zeros_like(DOP), np.zeros_like(DOP), np.zeros_like(DOP) ]) polarized = DOP * np.array([np.ones_like(DOP), cw * ca, cw * sa, sw]) return (unpolarized + polarized).T
[docs] def intensity(S): """Return the intensity.""" if S.ndim == 1: return S[0] return S[..., 0]
def _degree_of_polarization(S): """Return the degree of polarization.""" if S[0] == 0: return 0 return np.sqrt(S[1]**2 + S[2]**2 + S[3]**2) / S[0]
[docs] def degree_of_polarization(S): """Return the degree of polarization.""" if S.ndim == 1: return _degree_of_polarization(S) n, _ = S.shape dop = np.zeros(n) for i, SS in enumerate(S): dop[i] = _degree_of_polarization(SS) return dop
[docs] def ellipse_orientation(S): """ Return the angle between the major semi-axis and the x-axis. The polarization ellipse is rotated by an angle from the laboratory frame. This is that angle: often represented by psi. """ return 1 / 2 * np.arctan2(S[..., 2], S[..., 1])
[docs] def ellipse_ellipticity(S): """ Return the ellipticity of the polarization ellipse. This parameter is often represented by Chi. """ return 1 / 2 * np.arcsin(S[..., 3] / S[..., 0])
[docs] def ellipse_axes(S): """Return the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the polarization ellipse.""" absL = np.sqrt(S[..., 1]**2 + S[..., 2]**2) A = np.sqrt((S[..., 0] + absL) / 2) B = np.sqrt((S[..., 0] - absL) / 2) return A, B
def _stokes_to_jones(S): """ Convert a Stokes vector to a Jones vector. The Jones vector can only represent the part of the Stokes vector that is polarized. This fraction is calculated and represented as a Jones vector with its horizontal component represented as a real number. The sign convention for the Jones vector can be set by calling `pypolar.jones.use_alternate_convention(True)`. The default is to assume that the field is represented by exp(j * omega * t-k * z). Inputs: S : a Stokes vector Returns: the Jones vector for """ if S[0] == 0: return np.array([0, 0]) # Fraction of intensity that is polarized Ip = np.sqrt(S[1]**2 + S[2]**2 + S[3]**2) # Normalize the remaining Stokes parameters to this fraction Q = S[1] / Ip U = S[2] / Ip V = S[3] / Ip # Amplitude of the polarized field E_0 = np.sqrt(Ip) # vertically polarized light has no E_x field if Q == -1: return np.array([0, E_0]) # Assemble the Jones vector A = np.sqrt((1 + Q) / 2) J = E_0 * np.array([A, complex(U, V) / (2 * A)]) if pypolar.jones.alternate_sign_convention: return np.conjugate(J) return J
[docs] def stokes_to_jones(S): """ Convert a (list of) Stokes vector(s) to a (list of) Jones vector(s). The sign convention for the Jones vector can be set by calling `pypolar.jones.use_alternate_convention(True)`. The default is to assume that the field is represented by exp(j * omega * t-k * z). Inputs: S : a single Stokes vector (4,) or list of Stokes vectors (n,4) Returns: a Jones vector (2,) or list of Jones vectors (n,2) """ if S.ndim == 1: return _stokes_to_jones(S) n, m = S.shape if m != 4: print("Wrong shape ... should be %dx4 not %dx%d" % (m, n, m)) return None J = np.empty(shape=(n, 2), dtype=np.ndarray) for i, SS in enumerate(S): J[i] = _stokes_to_jones(SS) return J
[docs] def mueller_to_jones(M): """ Convert a Mueller matrix to a Jones matrix. Theocaris, Matrix Theory of Photoelasticity, eqns 4.70-4.76, 1979 Inputs: M : a 4x4 Mueller matrix Returns: the corresponding 2x2 Jones matrix """ A = np.empty((2, 2)) A[0, 0] = np.sqrt((M[0, 0] + M[0, 1] + M[1, 0] + M[1, 1]) / 2) A[0, 1] = np.sqrt((M[0, 0] + M[0, 1] - M[1, 0] - M[1, 1]) / 2) A[1, 0] = np.sqrt((M[0, 0] - M[0, 1] + M[1, 0] - M[1, 1]) / 2) A[1, 1] = np.sqrt((M[0, 0] - M[0, 1] - M[1, 0] + M[1, 1]) / 2) theta = np.empty((2, 2)) theta[0, 0] = 0 theta[0, 1] = -np.arctan2(M[0, 3] + M[1, 3], M[0, 2] + M[1, 2]) theta[1, 0] = np.arctan2(M[3, 0] + M[3, 1], M[2, 0] + M[2, 1]) theta[1, 1] = np.arctan2(M[3, 2] - M[2, 3], M[2, 2] + M[3, 3]) return A * np.exp(1j * theta)
[docs] def interpret(S): """ Interpret a Stokes vector. Parameters S : A Stokes vector Examples ------- interpret([1, 0, 0, 0]) --> "Unpolarized Light" """ try: S0, S1, S2, S3 = S except ValueError: print("Stokes vector must have four real elements") return 0 # eps = 1e-12 print("I = %.3f" % S0) print("Q = %.3f" % S1) print("U = %.3f" % S2) print("V = %.3f" % S3) s = "not implemented yet" return s