Source code for pypolar.jones

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Useful routines for managing polarization with the Jones calculus.

The routines are broken into four broad categories: creating Jones vectors,
creating Jones Matrices, interpreting Jones Vectors, and converting to the
Mueller / Stokes matrix calculus.

Creating Jones vectors for specific polarization states::

    * field_linear(angle)
    * field_left_circular()
    * field_right_circular()
    * field_horizontal()
    * field_vertical()
    * field_ellipsometry(tanpsi, Delta)
    * field_elliptical(azimuth, elliptic_angle)

Creating Jones Matrices for polarizing elements::

    * op_linear_polarizer(angle)
    * op_retarder(fast_axis_angle, retardance)
    * op_attenuator(optical_density)
    * op_mirror()
    * op_rotation(angle)
    * op_quarter_wave_plate(fast_axis_angle)
    * op_half_wave_plate(fast_axis_angle)
    * op_fresnel_reflection(index_of_refraction, angle)
    * op_fresnel_transmission(index_of_refraction, angle)

Interpreting the polarization state::

    * use_alternate_convention(boolean)
    * interpret(jones_vector)
    * intensity(jones_vector)
    * phase(jones_vector)
    * ellipse_azimuth(jones_vector)
    * ellipse_axes(jones_vector)
    * ellipticity(jones_vector)
    * ellipticity_angle(jones_vector)
    * amplitude_ratio(jones_vector)
    * amplitude_ratio_angle(jones_vector)
    * polarization_variable(jones_vector)

Converting to Mueller formalism::

    * jones_op_to_mueller_op(jones_matrix)
    * jones_to_stokes(jones_vector)

To Do::
    * modify interpret() when phase difference differs by more than 2pi
    * improve interpret() to give angle for elliptical polarization
    * test everything with non - unity amplitudes
    * finish normalize

import numpy as np
import pypolar.fresnel

__all__ = ('use_alternate_convention',

alternate_sign_convention = False

[docs] def use_alternate_convention(state): """ Change sign convention used for Jones calculus. Read the documentation about the different conventions possible. The default convention is to assume the wave function is represented by exp(j*(omega * t-k * z)) and that the perspective when viewing a sectional pattern is to look back along the optical axis towards the source. This is the most commonly used convention, but there are noteable exceptions (Wikipedia, Fowler, and Hecht (sometimes). Call this function once at the beginning and everything should be just fine. """ global alternate_sign_convention alternate_sign_convention = state
[docs] def op_linear_polarizer(theta): """ Jones matrix operator for a rotated linear polarizer. The polarizer has been rotated around a normal to its surface. Args: theta: rotation angle measured from the horizontal plane [radians] """ return np.array([[np.cos(theta)**2, np.sin(theta) * np.cos(theta)], [np.sin(theta) * np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)**2]])
[docs] def op_retarder(theta, delta): """ Jones matrix operator for an rotated optical retarder. The retarder has been rotated around a normal to its surface. Args: theta: rotation angle between fast - axis and the horizontal plane [radians] delta: phase delay introduced between fast and slow - axes [radians] """ if alternate_sign_convention: theta *= -1 P = np.exp(+delta / 2 * 1j) Q = np.exp(-delta / 2 * 1j) D = np.sin(delta / 2) * 2j C = np.cos(theta) S = np.sin(theta) retarder = np.array([[C * C * P + S * S * Q, C * S * D], [C * S * D, C * C * Q + S * S * P]]) if alternate_sign_convention: return np.conjugate(retarder) return retarder
[docs] def op_attenuator(t): """ Jones matrix operator for an isotropic optical attenuator. The transmittance t=I / I_0 is the fraction of light getting through the attenuator or absorber. Args: t: fraction of intensity getting through attenuator [---] """ f = np.sqrt(t) return np.array([[f, 0], [0, f]])
[docs] def op_mirror(): """Jones matrix operator for a perfect mirror.""" return np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
[docs] def op_rotation(theta): """ Jones matrix operator to rotate light around the optical axis. Args: theta : angle of rotation around optical axis [radians] Returns: 2x2 matrix of the rotation operator [-] """ return np.array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)], [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
[docs] def op_quarter_wave_plate(theta): """ Jones matrix operator for an rotated quarter - wave plate. The QWP had been rotated around a normal to its surface. Args: theta : angle from fast - axis to horizontal plane [radians] Returns: 2x2 matrix of the quarter - wave plate operator [-] """ return op_retarder(theta, np.pi / 2)
[docs] def op_half_wave_plate(theta): """ Jones matrix operator for a rotated half - wave plate. The half wave plate has been rotated around a normal to the surface of the plate. Args: theta : angle from fast - axis to horizontal plane [radians] Returns: 2x2 matrix of the half - wave plate operator [-] """ return op_retarder(theta, np.pi)
[docs] def op_fresnel_reflection(m, theta): """ Jones matrix operator for Fresnel reflection at angle theta. Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta : angle from normal to surface [radians] Returns: 2x2 matrix of the Fresnel transmission operator [-] """ return np.array([[pypolar.fresnel.r_par_amplitude(m, theta), 0], [0, pypolar.fresnel.r_per_amplitude(m, theta)]])
[docs] def op_fresnel_transmission(m, theta): """ Jones matrix operator for Fresnel transmission at angle theta. *** THIS IS ALMOST CERTAINLY WRONG *** Args: m : complex index of refraction [-] theta : angle from normal to surface [radians] Returns: 2x2 Fresnel transmission operator [-] """ c = np.cos(theta) d = np.sqrt(m * m - np.sin(theta)**2, dtype=complex) if m.imag == 0: d = np.conjugate(d) a = np.sqrt(d / c) tper = pypolar.fresnel.t_per_amplitude(m, theta) tpar = pypolar.fresnel.t_par_amplitude(m, theta) return a * np.array([[tpar, 0], [0, tper]])
[docs] def field_linear(theta): """Jones vector for linear polarized light at angle theta from horizontal plane.""" return np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)]).T
[docs] def field_right_circular(): """Jones Vector for right circular polarized light.""" J = 1 / np.sqrt(2) * np.array([1, 1j]) if alternate_sign_convention: return np.conjugate(J) return J
[docs] def field_left_circular(): """Jones Vector for left circular polarized light.""" J = 1 / np.sqrt(2) * np.array([1, -1j]) if alternate_sign_convention: return np.conjugate(J) return J
[docs] def field_horizontal(): """Jones Vector for horizontal polarized light.""" return np.array([1, 0])
[docs] def field_vertical(): """Jones Vector for vertical polarized light.""" return np.array([0, 1])
[docs] def field_ellipsometry(tanpsi, Delta): """ Jones vector for using ellipometer parameters. This creates a Jones vector for the specific set of ellipsometry parameters tanpsi and Delta. See Fujiwara table 3.1 for example Args: tanpsi: abs(E_x / E_y) [-] Delta: angle(E_x) - angle(E_y) [radians] Returns: Jones vector with specified characteristics """ psi = np.arctan(tanpsi) J = np.array([np.sin(psi) * np.exp(1j * Delta), np.cos(psi)]).T if alternate_sign_convention: return np.conjugate(J) return J
[docs] def field_elliptical(azimuth, elliptic_angle, phi_x=0, E_0=1): """ Jones vector for elliptically polarized light. Uses Azzam's equation 1.75 Args: azimuth: tilt angle of ellipse from x - axis [radians] ellipticity_angle: arctan(minor - axis / major - axis) [radians] phi_x: phase for E field in x - direction [radians] E_0: amplitude of field Returns: Jones vector with specified characteristics """ ce = np.cos(elliptic_angle) se = np.sin(elliptic_angle) ca = np.cos(azimuth) sa = np.sin(azimuth) J = E_0 * np.array([ca * ce - sa * se * 1j, sa * ce + ca * se * 1j]) J *= np.exp(1j * (phi_x - np.angle(J[0]))) if alternate_sign_convention: return np.conjugate(J) return J
[docs] def interpret(J): """ Interpret a Jones vector. arg: J: A Jones vector (2x1) which may have complex entries Examples ------- interpret([1, -1j]) --> "Right circular polarization" interpret([0.5, 0.5]) --> "Linear polarization at 45.000000 degrees CCW from x - axis" interpret( np.array([exp(-1j * pi), exp(-1j * pi / 3)]) ) --> "Left elliptical polarization, rotated with respect to the axes" """ try: j1, j2 = J except ValueError: print("Jones vector must have two elements") return 0 eps = 1e-12 mag1, p1 = abs(j1), np.angle(j1) mag2, p2 = abs(j2), np.angle(j2) JJ = np.array([j1, j2]) inten = intensity(JJ) phaze = np.degrees(phase(JJ)) azi = np.degrees(ellipse_azimuth(JJ)) ell = ellipticity(JJ) s = "Intensity is %.3f\n" % inten s += "Phase is %.1f°\n" % phaze if np.remainder(p1 - p2, np.pi) < eps: ang = np.arctan2(mag2, mag1) * 180 / np.pi return s + "Linear polarization at %f degrees CCW from x - axis" % ang if abs(mag1 - mag2) < eps: if abs(p1 - p2 - np.pi / 2) < eps: s += "Right circular polarization" elif p1 > p2: s += "Right elliptical polarization\n" s += " ellipticity is %.1f°\n" % ell s += " rotated %.1f° respect to the axes" % azi if (p1 - p2 + np.pi / 2) < eps: s += "Left circular polarization" elif p1 < p2: s += "Left elliptical polarization\n" s += " ellipticity is %.1f°\n" % ell s += " rotated %.1f° respect to the axes" % azi else: if p1 - p2 == np.pi / 2: s += "Right elliptical polarization, non - rotated" elif p1 > p2: s += "Right elliptical polarization\n" s += " ellipticity is %.1f°\n" % ell s += " rotated %.1f° respect to the axes" % azi if p1 - p2 == -np.pi / 2: s += "Left circular polarization, non - rotated" elif p1 < p2: s += "Left elliptical polarization\n" s += " ellipticity is %.1f°\n" % ell s += " rotated %.1f° respect to the axes" % azi return s
def normalize_vector(J): """ Normalize a vector by dividing each part by common number. After normalization the magnitude should be equal to ~1. """ norm = np.linalg.norm(J) if norm == 0: return J return J / norm def normalize(J): """Normalize a vector.""" # alpha = ellipse_azimuth(J) # gamma = phase(J) return J # return np.array([np.cos(R)*np.exp(-0.5j * gamma),np.cos(R)*np.exp(0.5j * gamma)])
[docs] def intensity(J): """Return the intensity.""" inten = abs(J[..., 0])**2 + abs(J[..., 1])**2 return inten
[docs] def phase(J): """Return the phase.""" gamma = np.angle(J[..., 1]) - np.angle(J[..., 0]) return gamma
[docs] def ellipse_azimuth(J): """ Return the angle between the major semi - axis and the x - axis. The polarization ellipse is rotated by this angle (called the azimuth) relative to the laboratory frame. """ Ex0, Ey0 = np.abs(J) delta = phase(J) numer = 2 * Ex0 * Ey0 * np.cos(delta) denom = Ex0**2 - Ey0**2 psi = 0.5 * np.arctan2(numer, denom) return psi
def ellipse_azimuth2(J): """ Return the angle between the major semi - axis and the x - axis. How does this differ from orientation above? """ delta = phase(J) psi = ellipse_azimuth(J) chi = 0.5 * np.arcsin(np.sin(2 * psi) * np.sin(delta)) return chi
[docs] def ellipse_axes(J): """ Return the semi - major and semi - minor radii of the ellipse. Twice these values will be the semi - major or semi - minor diameters. """ Ex0, Ey0 = np.abs(J) alpha = ellipse_azimuth(J) delta = phase(J) C = np.cos(alpha) S = np.sin(alpha) asqr = (Ex0 * C)**2 + (Ey0 * S)**2 + 2 * Ex0 * Ey0 * C * S * np.cos(delta) bsqr = (Ex0 * S)**2 + (Ey0 * C)**2 - 2 * Ex0 * Ey0 * C * S * np.cos(delta) a = np.sqrt(abs(asqr)) b = np.sqrt(abs(bsqr)) if a < b: return b, a return a, b
[docs] def ellipticity(J): """ Return the ellipticity of the polarization ellipse. This is the ratio of semi - minor to semi - major radii. The ellipticity is a measure of the fatness of the ellipse. The ellipticity can be defined to always be positive. However negative values can be used to indicate left - handed polarization. Thus the ellipticity will range from -1 to 0 to 1 as light moves from LCP to Linear Polarization to RCP. """ a, b = ellipse_axes(J) if phase(J) < 0: return -b / a return b / a
[docs] def ellipticity_angle(J): """ Return the ellipticity angle of the polarization ellipse. The tangent of this angle is the ratio of semi - minor:semi - major radii. It is between -pi / 4 ≤ angle ≤ pi / 4. Positive values are for right–handed ellipticity. Negative values for left - handed ellipticity. """ a, b = ellipse_axes(J) if abs(a) >= abs(b): epsilon = np.arctan2(b, a) else: epsilon = np.arctan2(a, b) if phase(J) < 0: return -epsilon return epsilon
[docs] def amplitude_ratio(J): """ Return the ratio of electric fields. This is the amplitude of the vibrations along x measured relative to the amplitude along y. """ Ex0, Ey0 = np.abs(J) if Ex0 == 0: return np.inf return Ey0 / Ex0
[docs] def amplitude_ratio_angle(J): """ Return the ratio of electric fields. The tangent of this angle is the ratio of electric fields in the y and x directions. """ Ex0, Ey0 = np.abs(J) psi = np.arctan2(Ey0, Ex0) return psi
[docs] def polarization_variable(J): """ Return the complex polarization variable, chi. This reduces the Jones vector to a single complex number and is useful when the amplitude and absolute - phase are of secondary interest. These are eliminated and chi is representative of the polarization state in the complex plane. """ return J[1] / J[0]
def poincare_point(J): """Return the point on the Poincaré sphere.""" longitude = 2 * ellipse_azimuth(J) a, b = ellipse_axes(J) latitude = 2 * np.arctan2(b, a) return latitude, longitude
[docs] def jones_op_to_mueller_op(JJ): """ Convert a complex 2x2 Jones matrix to a real 4x4 Mueller matrix. Hauge, Muller, and Smith, "Conventions and Formulas for Using the Mueller- Stokes Calculus in Ellipsometry," Surface Science, 96, 81 - 107 (1980) Args: J: Jones matrix Returns: equivalent 4x4 Mueller matrix """ if alternate_sign_convention: J = np.conjugate(JJ) else: J = JJ M = np.zeros(shape=[4, 4], dtype=complex) C = np.conjugate(J) M[0, 0] = J[0, 0] * C[0, 0] + J[0, 1] * C[0, 1] + \ J[1, 0] * C[1, 0] + J[1, 1] * C[1, 1] M[0, 1] = J[0, 0] * C[0, 0] + J[1, 0] * C[1, 0] - \ J[0, 1] * C[0, 1] - J[1, 1] * C[1, 1] M[0, 2] = J[0, 1] * C[0, 0] + J[1, 1] * C[1, 0] + \ J[0, 0] * C[0, 1] + J[1, 0] * C[1, 1] M[0, 3] = 1j * (J[0, 1] * C[0, 0] + J[1, 1] * C[1, 0] - J[0, 0] * C[0, 1] - J[1, 0] * C[1, 1]) M[1, 0] = J[0, 0] * C[0, 0] + J[0, 1] * C[0, 1] - \ J[1, 0] * C[1, 0] - J[1, 1] * C[1, 1] M[1, 1] = J[0, 0] * C[0, 0] - J[1, 0] * C[1, 0] - \ J[0, 1] * C[0, 1] + J[1, 1] * C[1, 1] M[1, 2] = J[0, 0] * C[0, 1] + J[0, 1] * C[0, 0] - \ J[1, 0] * C[1, 1] - J[1, 1] * C[1, 0] M[1, 3] = 1j * (J[0, 1] * C[0, 0] + J[1, 0] * C[1, 1] - J[1, 1] * C[1, 0] - J[0, 0] * C[0, 1]) M[2, 0] = J[0, 0] * C[1, 0] + J[1, 0] * C[0, 0] + \ J[0, 1] * C[1, 1] + J[1, 1] * C[0, 1] M[2, 1] = J[0, 0] * C[1, 0] + J[1, 0] * C[0, 0] - \ J[0, 1] * C[1, 1] - J[1, 1] * C[0, 1] M[2, 2] = J[0, 0] * C[1, 1] + J[0, 1] * C[1, 0] + \ J[1, 0] * C[0, 1] + J[1, 1] * C[0, 0] M[2, 3] = 1j * (-J[0, 0] * C[1, 1] + J[0, 1] * C[1, 0] - J[1, 0] * C[0, 1] + J[1, 1] * C[0, 0]) M[3, 0] = 1j * (J[0, 0] * C[1, 0] + J[0, 1] * C[1, 1] - J[1, 0] * C[0, 0] - J[1, 1] * C[0, 1]) M[3, 1] = 1j * (J[0, 0] * C[1, 0] - J[0, 1] * C[1, 1] - J[1, 0] * C[0, 0] + J[1, 1] * C[0, 1]) M[3, 2] = 1j * (J[0, 0] * C[1, 1] + J[0, 1] * C[1, 0] - J[1, 0] * C[0, 1] - J[1, 1] * C[0, 0]) M[3, 3] = J[0, 0] * C[1, 1] - J[0, 1] * C[1, 0] - \ J[1, 0] * C[0, 1] + J[1, 1] * C[0, 0] MM = M.real / 2 return MM
def _jones_to_stokes(J): """ Convert Jones vector to Stokes vector. Args: J: Jones vector Returns: Stokes vector """ Ex = abs(J[0]) Ey = abs(J[1]) phi = phase(J) S0 = Ex**2 + Ey**2 S1 = Ex**2 - Ey**2 S2 = 2 * Ex * Ey * np.cos(phi) S3 = 2 * Ex * Ey * np.sin(phi) return np.array([S0, S1, S2, S3])
[docs] def jones_to_stokes(J): """ Convert Jones vector to Stokes vector. Args: J: Jones vector Returns: Stokes vector """ if J.ndim == 1: return _jones_to_stokes(J) n, m = J.shape if m != 2: print("Wrong shape ... should be %dx2 not %dx%d" % (m, n, m)) return None S = np.empty(shape=(n, 4), dtype=np.ndarray) for i, JJ in enumerate(J): S[i] = _jones_to_stokes(JJ) return S